'Fashion One host Maiken Lorentz brings you to the exclusive interview with designer\' Christopher Guillarme during Cannes Fashion Festival 2015. Christophe Guillarmé presented his latest gowns in association with Elsa Lee jewerly, Neuhaus high jewelry and Charriol watch, beauty by Eros Giuliani and Make Up For Ever. Take a look at backstage of some pieces shown on the red carpet! Category: Designers Subscribe to Fashion One channel here: http://www.fashionone.com/subscribe Visit our official website here: http://www.fashionone.com Facebook: http://www.fashionone.com/facebook Google+: http://www.fashionone.com/googleplus Twitter: http://www.fashionone.com/twitter Instagram: http://www.fashionone.com/instagram Pinterest: http://www.fashionone.com/pinterest Fashion|One is the ONE channel dedicated to fashion, entertainment, and lifestyle. TV host: Maiken Lorentz DP and Editor: Olivier Ronot / Pierre Moules \"CHRISTOPHE GUILLARMÉ Cannes Fashion Festival 2015\" \"Cannes Fashion Festival 2015\" \"CHRISTOPHE GUILLARMÉ\" \"Maiken Lorentz\" \"FashionOne\" \"Fashion One\" \"Fashion Entertainment\" \"Fashion Model\" \"Runway\" \"Beauty\" \"Music\" \"Fashion One TV\" \"Designers\" \"Fashion Designers\" \"Style\" \"Collection\" \"Fashion Show\" Code Number: 99097'
Tags: beauty , style , collection , runway , fashion show , fashion designers , Music , designers , fashion model , Fashion One , Fashion One TV , Fashion Entertainment
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